

Thursday, August 19, 2021

800  Departure from Ten Hotel to Ovidius University
830 – 900 Registration of Participants
900 – 930
  • Workshop Opening

  • Dumitru MANOLE, President of the Romanian Sunflower Association
    Welcome „Sunflower in Romania – The effect of hail on sunflower hybrids”

  • Vladimir Miklic , Prezident of International Sunflower association – ISA

  • Valeriu TABĂRĂ, President of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry  Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti"
    Considerations on sunflower crop

  • Dan Marcel ILIESCU, Rector of the Ovidius University
    Welcome message

  • Maria JOITA – PACUREANU – NARDI Fundulea   

  • Ion Dănuț JUGĂNARU – General Director of the Constanta Chamber of  Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture
930 – 1100 Presentations and Discussions
0930 – 1010

Elena MATEESCU, National Meteorological Administration, Romania

  The year 2021, a year of extreme weather in Romania (930 – 1000)

  Questions and Discussions (1000 – 1010)

1010 – 1050

Nicolas LANGLADE, INRA, France

  Multi-scale modeling to predict sunflower tolerance to abiotic stresses (1010 – 1040)

  Questions and Discussions (1040 – 1050)

1050 – 1130

Yalcin KAYA, Trakia University, Edirne, Turkey

  The examination of drought stress tolerance in sunflower inbred lines (1050 - 1120)                 

  Questions and Discussions (1120 – 1130)

1130 – 1200 Coffe Break
1200 – 1330 Presentations and Discussions
1200 – 1230  Maria DUCA, Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova

  Influence of climate conditions on the incidence of sunflower pathogens (1200 – 1220)

  Questions and Discussions (1220 – 1230)

1230 – 1300

Maria JOIȚA-PĂCUREANU, National Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Fundulea, Romania

  The impact of climatic conditions on oil quality and protein content, in sunflower ( 1230 – 1250)

  Questions and Discussions (1250 – 1300)

1300 – 1330

George TEODOR, UASVM, Bucharest, Romania

Research on the improvment of sowing technologies in successive or double sunflower crops;  Research on innovative technologies for stimulating seed material and sunflower plant nutrition (1300 – 1320)

  Questions and Discussions (1320 – 1330)

1330 – 1430

Lunch Break

1430 – 1600

Presentations and Discussions

1430 – 1500

Dumitru MANOLE, Romanian Sunflowwer Association

Research on climate changes – sunflower hybrids 2018-2020, Constanta county, south east of Dobrogea, Romania (1430 – 1450)

Questions and Discussions (1450 – 1500)

1500 – 1530

Violeta SIMIONESCU, Ovidius University, Romania

Agrotechnical measures to reduce the influence of drought on sunflower yield (1500 – 1520)

Questions and Discussions (1520 – 1530)

1530 – 1600

Gerald SEILER, USDA, Fargo,USA

Sunflower crop wild relatives role in adapting sunflower to a changing climate (1530 – 1550)

Questions and Discussions (1550 – 1600)

1600 – 1700

Final Disscutions and Conclusions

1700 – 1730

Departure from Ovidius University to Ten Hotel


Dinner at Colonade Restaurant


Friday, August 20, 2021

900 Departure from Ten Hotel to Sport Agra Amzacea
0945 – 1100

Visit of the comparative plots with sunflower hybrids the effect of hail on the various sunflower hybrids

1100 Departure from Sport Agra Amzacea to Wine Cellar Viișoara
1130 – 1400

Visit of the Wine Cellar Viișoara and Lunch

1400 Departure from Wine Cellar Viișoara to Ten Hotel